Wednesday, March 31, 2010

#151. March Books

Enjoyed an interesting medley of good and evil with the following English audiobooks this month:

1. Three Cups of Tea (David Relin)
2. The Informers (Bret Easton Ellis)
3. Walden: Life in the Woods (Henry David Thoreau)
5. Tropic Of Capricorn (Henry Miller)
6. Oscar Wilde And The Candlelight Murders (Gyles Brandreth)
7. New Testament (Read By Johnny Cash)
8. The Heart Of The Matter (Graham Greene)
9. Excuses Begone! (Wayne Dyer)
10.Thick Black Theory (Li Zongwu)
11. The 80/20 Principle (Richard Koch)
12. Use Of Weapons (Ian Banks)